सीसीटीवी के रूप में मोबाइल कैमरा कैसे उपयोग करें |अपने फोन को एक जासूसी कैमरे के रूप में उपयोग करें, सरल चरणों के साथ उपयोग करें |
The first step for installing your CCTV camera is to ensure that everything you need came in the packaging of the camera. This should include a DVR, camera or cameras, and cords. Second, find the best place for the camera or cameras but
with these step it's totally free !
The first step for installing your CCTV camera is to ensure that everything you need came in the packaging of the camera. This should include a DVR, camera or cameras, and cords. Second, find the best place for the camera or cameras but
with these step it's totally free !
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